Child Study Evaluation Appointments


Appointments are scheduled by calling the main office, (856) 857-9500 ext. 12, or in an emergency, Dr. Rosenberg’s cell phone at (856) 296-8547.

If possible, records are obtained from the school and a clear picture of the district’s concerns about the student, in as much detail as possible before the child is seen. Current and previous child study team records and teacher reports are all very valuable sources of information.

Prior to meeting with the students, each parent and child must fill out a comprehensive intake form about themselves. This form is readily available on our website or can be sent via the mail or fax.

Dr. Rosenberg will first meet with the parent(s)/guardian, then conduct a clinical interview with the student, and finally conduct a family interview and educational session. Psychiatric illnesses, if they are present, are medical illnesses that can be inherited. The family history almost always helps the doctor to begin to determine the student’s diagnosis and therefore family history is a critical starting point. While family members frequently protest filling out the Patient Questionnaire prior to seeing doctor, they invariably appreciate filling out the form after they have met.

1. During the evaluation the intake form will be used to understand family history. It includes ADHD, anxiety and depression inventories and scales that can be rated by teachers as well as parents so there can be pre and post measurements of the student’s progress.

2. Often relaxation techniques are taught, including diaphragmatic breathing, autogenic training, meditation and hypnosis as a way to introduce the students and their families to the benefits of treatment.

3. Routinely families are given handouts on chemical imbalances and how medication works. Families are also given a copy of Dr. Rosenberg's book, The Authoritative Guide to Psychiatric Diagnosis, to use in furthering their education about mental health and mental illness after the evaluation is complete.

A report is prepared that includes both the diagnosis(es) and a list of recommendations for the Child Study Team that are both practical and for immediate use. The diagnostic impression includes the five axes as suggested in the DSM-IV that describe the student’s psychiatric diagnosis(es), medical diagnosis(es), the student’s stressors and the student’s overall functioning. Recommendations may include suggestions for medication, psychotherapy, educational placement and related support services that would most likely be of help to the student; we work to match the suggestions with the student, the family and with what is most likely to help, should the parent be willing to follow through with the suggestions. Because the family is educated to the illness, there is a greater chance the family will follow through on their own.